Thursday, December 1, 2011

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Romans 7:15 NIV

I’ve been a little down in the dumps lately. I think it has something to with going back to a work schedule after a week of vacation. Or maybe it’s because my winter coat doesn’t button close anymore. Or maybe it’s because all the sugar I ate over Thanksgiving sent me into a manic high before I crashed face-first into the couch with a week-long stomachache. Whatever. I’m depressed.

So I decided to combat this head-on. I made a plan to outline some positive steps I could take to nourish my mind and body, including spending some time reading the Bible after work.

Instead I came home, opened a pint of ice cream and watched the first four episodes of Gossip Girl. (Side Note: WTF! Why does this mindless drivel exist? Why can’t I stop watching it? And how can Blair and Serena be friends again after all they’ve done to each other! Will Nate ever stand up to his father? Oh, Gossip Girl, how I love/hate you!)

Around 9:00, The Ninja came home from martial arts practice to find me staring zombie-like at the TV and completely unresponsive to his attempts at conversation. He then resorted to mocking Gossip Girl, which elicited a “Stop it!” and “Shut up!” and “You’re stupid!” before I resumed mutely staring at the TV.

Self-discipline, why do you elude me so? Why do you make pretty promises to me about working out and organizing and Bible-reading and then disappear at the most crucial time? Why? WHY?!

Monday, October 10, 2011

It’s official! I had a baby … blog!

After much hemming and hawing, I’ve finally birthed a blog. It’s either gonna be a beauty, or one of those ugly babies that you tell the parents how cute it is to their face and then silently pray to God that it’ll grow into that nose.

My goal is for this blog to be about how I’ve changed since becoming a Christian, and how I continue to change now. And maybe a forum to ask and answer questions about my faith. But knowing me as I do, I’m sure some randomness will creep in here as well.

Happy blogging!